Connecting Generations Through Music...
A unique platform to inspire the younger generation to build musical excellence, volunteerism, and leadership and connect with the older generation through music
Volunteered Hours
Senior Living Facilities
Participating Students
Our Journey
On a beautiful summer evening, two young children played their musical instruments to an elderly, terminally ill patient. Just hours later, the patient passed away. Deeply moved by this life-changing experience, each next similar visit, these children learned more about the importance of music and significance of life.
We Play Music 4 You is founded by these two children with the intention of sharing the joy of playing music and singing with children worldwide to foster awareness, acceptance and respect for older generations and the end of life. Our innovative digital platform and highly customized volunteering program allows our ever-expanding network of passionate and enthusiastic young student musicians to actively volunteer at organizations responsible for caring for elderly and sick in the community.
Read more about our mission and vision

Did you know?
Music and children are most cherished among the elderly population around the world and guaranteed to enhance quality of life of the elderly especially benefiting those at the various stages of Dementia and Alzheimer.
Annually, in the United States alone, 5 percent of the population (~15 million) over age 65 receives long-term care at a variety of settings; such as Adult Day Care, Home Care, Assisted Living, Independent Living, Personal Care, Skilled Care, Nursing Homes, Hospice Care, and the number of people receiving such care is projected to be 27 million by 2050!
WePlayMusic4You serves as a unique platform to bridge the increasing inter-generational gap through music while building musical excellence, volunteerism and leadership in the participating student volunteers worldwide.
Read more about our work
What We Do
We inspire and motivate younger generations to build their musical excellence, leadership, and volunteerism through music for the elderly and sick in the community.
Our innovative digital platform enables students to book volunteering spots at nearby senior care facilities as per facilities preferences and students availability. Additionally, students can track their volunteer hours for an authorized certificate of recognition.
We are on a unique journey to close the increasing inter-generational gap in a unique way; to create a greater and long-term impact in the world!
How You Can Help
Each contribution counts!
Share our mission and vision with friends and family to help senior care facilities and school students to connect with us.
Donate by making just a one-time or recurring donation to bring us one step closer to the worldwide platform we envision to make a positive impact in the world. Your donations will help us with our administrative costs, to support our young volunteers in need with musical accessories such as sheet music, music stands, musical instruments and professional guidance.
Only with your generous support, can we fulfill our dream to fund eligible schools around the world to support and start music programs to create long lasting influence through music in the lives of the younger generation.
What We Know
“Music produces a kind of pleasure that human nature cannot do without” – Confucius, Chinese philosopher
Memory improvement, stress reduction, improved sleep quality, and an accelerated healing process are just some of the many scientifically proven benefits of music.
The benefits of playing a musical instrument are countless, including enhanced memory, time management skills, team and organizational skills, and perseverance!
Must read more about benefits of music

Through this ground-breaking program. It benefits all who are involved
Cody Conley is living proof of the power of music and youth that positively affects generations. He has been playing in our church services for a number of years and brings tears to my eyes with the emotion and professionalism he produces. I’m so proud that he is able to share his talent with so many others through this ground-breaking program. It benefits all who are involved.
They have pleaded with me to have them return.
Our residents enjoyed the music and interaction with the students when they visited our community! They have pleaded with me to have them return. So PLEASE DO!
Thank you for all that you do!!
This past Friday, Tejal who just so happens to be one of my music therapy volunteers, Brady and Cody performed in conjunction with AseraCare Hospice at Sunrise of McCandless for their residents. They are all extremely talented young individuals and also very mature for their age. Both the staff and residents very much enjoyed their music. It was a lovely afternoon and I was very grateful that they could perform. Thank you for all that you do!!
Music does work miracles!
Having worked in the Long Term Care Industry for over 25 years, I think I have seen it all but music, children and puppies are guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face no matter what their age. I have seen debilitated elderly and residents with dementia react to music. They will mouth the words, move to the beat or keep awake for the entire performance. Music does work miracles!
The We Play Music 4 You group has been to Holy Family Manor and the results were memorable. Residents were smiling, moving to the music and just plain in awe of the talent that these young children possess. Many voiced memories of their musical talents and experiences of the past. In turn, the children responded to the residents many questions and platitudes with dignity and respect.
Having children share their musical talents with the elderly benefits both sides of the spectrum. I would recommend anyone who works with the elderly to experience We Play Music 4 You. Not only will your clients/residents benefit from this experience, everyone will!
Brought us pure pleasure, as our spirits did soar
The music brought us joy,
to all of our hearts,
It’s one of those,
emotional arts.
Sounds of melodies,
we truly adored,
Brought us pure pleasure,
as our spirits did soar.
Music touched us,
we can’t help but smile,
We’re free to choose,
genre or style.
Your music clearly,
enlightened our days,
Made us happy,
in so many ways.
Our Stories
Read the testimonials to know more about the impact of our program on the younger and older generation.
Through the interactions with the elderly in the community, our program is proven to build and improve social, emotional and intellectual skills among the musically talented young students participating in our program. Each visit to a senior care facility is a unique experience with an opportunity of extraordinary transformation in the child volunteer and also bringing smiles, excitement and quality of life to the elderly at the facility.
Check out our work
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