Benefits of Music
Research shows that listening or playing musical instrument can stimulate your brain and increases memory capacity.
Playing musical instrument is best workout for your brain!
Playing musical instrument often involves being part of a band or an orchestra which boosts team skills.
A musician at very young age learns the importance of efficient and effective practice schedule which over the period strengthens the musician’s time management and organizational skills.
Learning to play musical instrument involves strong determination, dedication and patience which teaches the musician persistence and perseverance.
Playing an musical instrument requires a lot of hand-eye coordination. The musical instrument playing involves reading notes, your brain processing the notes and allowing your hands and fingers to react to play the note resulting in enhanced coordination.
Playing a musical instrument includes focusing on reading sheet music that involves different notes, pitch, rhythm, tempo, note duration, and quality of sound. Playing in a group requires concentration as you not only focus on your playing but you must also pay attention to other section so the group is playing in harmony.
Each musical instrument requires careful maintenance which teaches responsibility to ensure the musical instrument is well maintained, lasts longer and is producing quality sounds.
Studies have shown that students who play musical instrument do better in math and achieve higher grades in school than the students who don’t. The boost in mathematical ability is related to the music reading which involves counting notes and rhythms.

Music is an art; just like painting or dancing, where the artist expresses his/her emotions through their art.
Music is proven to relieve stress and widely used as a great form of therapy for mental health patients.
Playing musical instrument forces you to process multiple senses at once. This can lead superior multi-sensory and multitasking skills resulting in enhanced productivity and performance.
Study has shown that listening & playing music reduces depression and anxiety.
McMaster University discovered that babies who took interactive music classes displayed better early communication skills. They also smiled more.
A study showed that students who listened to relaxing classical music for 45 minutes before turning in slept significantly better than students who listened to an audio book or did nothing different from their normal routine.
Happiness leads to healthy choices resulting in overall healthy and happy life.
Learning to playing musical instrument and especially successfully learning a challenging music leads to greater sense of accomplishment and achievement. The rewarding experience leads to self-confidence and pride.
Playing musical instrument often needs the musician to focus on breathing technique and maintaining adequate posture from early age. Implementing the right habits from start strengthens respiratory system and minimizes risk of posture related health challenges in later life.
From learning to carefully listening to your own playing for any wrong note to tuning your musical instrument build profound listening skill in an musician at very young age which is proven to be one of the essential leadership skill.
Leaders are great listeners!
Playing a musical instrument could be very challenging. One must implement discipline to learn and continue to progress in playing the musical instrument with dedicated practice schedule and maintenance of the musical instrument.
A musician learns at very early age to perform for others and on the stage in front of large audience which also develops the habit of preparation to ensure quality performance.
A performer must accustom to appreciation and in return express gratitude. Music cultivates appreciation as well as gratitude.
Playing music in social setting has twofold impact. It not only promotes health and happiness in the performer but contributes to social wellness by bringing people from different faith, beliefs and religion together.
Musician often enjoy playing music for others in social settings like band, orchestra, family or community gathering. This consistent activity essential helps the musician to build his or her social skills at an early age.
Musician can learn variety of music types from classical, folk, medieval, and other genres. Despite of the fact that music reflects the environment and time of its creation, music has no barrier of age or culture. Music promotes preserving the cultural history in a unique and unbiased fashion.
Music is what appeals to the ears and touches your soul.
Inspiring and equipping young performers to play music for older generations in the community has often lead to closing the ever increasing gap between younger and older generations. While the elderly in the community appreciate the younger performers, the music also promotes quality of life among the elderly listeners.
Musical memories are often preserved in Alzheimer’s disease because key brain areas linked to musical memory are relatively undamaged by the disease. Research suggests that listening to or singing songs can provide emotional and behavioral benefits for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
Mental health patients have often experienced trauma, depression, grief, addiction and more. Despite feeling lost or broken, music provides them with the opportunity for expression and for experiencing safety, peace and comfort. Music acts as a medium for processing emotions, trauma, and grief—but music can also be utilized as a regulating or calming agent for anxiety or for dysregulation.